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Visit Cavallino

A land suspended between the sea and Venice’s Lagoon

Cavallino-Treporti: a natural oasis of unspoilt beauty

Cavallino-Treporti is a land suspended between the sea and the Venice lagoon, with unique landscapes characterised by salt marshes, stretches of brackish water, ghebi (sandbars) and marvellous sandy beaches, whose limpid waters have been awarded the prestigious Bandiera Blu environmental recognition for over ten years.

In the hinterland pinewoods and natural reserves, fortifications and remains of the glorious Venetian past are mixed to vegetable gardens and campsites, in an extraordinary union.

The name Cavallino derives from the ancient toponym “Equilium”, a remote land known for the breeding of the horses for the Roman Empire, the ruins of which it is still possible to observe in Lio Piccolos rustic villas and mosaics. Later on, during the dark ages, this part of the lagoon saw the rise of important centers like Torcello, Ammiana and Costanziaco.

  • location_on
    WhereCavallino-Treporti, Venice
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  • Un luogo magico

    A true piece of paradise between history and nature.

    Today, many water streams cross the peninsula, among others the river Sile, separating Cavallino from Jesolo, and from the canals Pordelio, Saccagnana, and Portosecco.

    This beautiful territory can be fully appreciated travelling by bicycle, on the numerous bicycle paths that run all over the 15 kilometers of the coast.

    Cavallino Treporti offers a huge variety of restaurants, where it is possible to enjoy the specialties that make its gastronomy famous in Europe; country fairs and events like the Beach on Fire (a beautiful pyrotechnic show that involves the whole coast) contribute to color the calendar with numerous events.

    The coast is a privileged starting point for the excursions heading to Venice and the islands of the lagoon, like Burano (famous for its laces and the colorful architectures) Murano (for the production of blown glass), Torcello and San Francesco del Deserto.

    Knowing Cavallino is like a continuous and surprising discovery…!